Archive for the 'funny' Category


The Life of a Cat called Wheek – movie

On emptying the contents of my last phone’s memory stick I found a bunch of cute cat videos (too many some might say). So I decided to make a little movie of Hayley’s favorite Cat (Wheek).

I also just happened to have just finished a piece of music that mixes funk with the wonder that is the Banjo. So here we are “The Life of a Wheek”!


preparing to make funky new website

Its been a year since deleted the old website with all my work on.

Now its time to announce that my new website will soon be available:

This time its going to be more of a place for you to spend some time at and enjoy rather than purely a work website. I intend to provide free comics, illustrated stuff, stories, animations, as well as tutorials for stuff I think people may find useful. Hopefully I can also put something there for you to have a chat with each other and with me. Maybe somewhere for you to have a doodle too!

If I get requests to I may also start thinking about selling some of the little books and stuff I make sometimes.

Oh and I’ll be putting my lovely songs such as the beloved ‘The Funky Doormat’ and ‘Jazz Potato’ up for you too, so keep an eye out and I’ll post up on my progress (and when it opens!)

Tell me if you think of any good ideas you’d like to see!


Film Workshop – The Godfather 4

For the past four weeks we have been doing a film workshop at University. Me and two others decided it would be fun to do another Godfather film, but make it more like a ‘how not to do’ take.

I created most of the used storyboards, so ended up directing a lot of it (which I enjoyed). There is still part of me saying that I enjoyed directing the actual photography rather than the actual film as a whole. Creating the storyboards and camera angles/ set ups were definitely the most engaging for me.

Working with Mitch Oram and Nick Stamp was also enjoyable. Together we helped solve the technical problems and produce the actual film’s ideas. I did however find it quite stressful directing the acting, which I have had no experience of dealing with before. Our main actor (Nick) has also never acted before, which made this part even more strenuous. I found the best way to direct our actor was to show him what we wanted rather than just say what we wanted.

Another lesson I ran into was: Don’t film at night! Its difficult to pull off and everybody is more tired than usual! If I ever have to again, I will film at noon and just make it look like night in the editing phase!

Anyway, here’s the film:


Traditional Animation

I recently did traditional animation in University. That is to say… an animation where you have to draw every single frame. I quite enjoyed doing it – was a bit intense at times because we only had 2 weeks to draw everything!

The theme was circle to sqaure. So heres my story about a man who got jealous of Elvis’ square umbrella so decided to smash up his circular one until it looked the same!

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